About Eternity

<About Eternity, 2022, Silver plated on Brass, Graphite, 6.5x5.5x3.5(cm)>

We believe in the illusion of eternity. Diamond is a material made of carbon, which symbolizes eternity. On the other hand, graphite, similarly made of carbon, is mainly used in pencils and consumables.

This necklace is made of 85.99g and 5cmx5cmx2cm squares of graphite in place of a diamond. When one wears this necklace, the graphite is gradually worn out. In the end, it loses its weight, length, and even its substance.

People easily falsely believe in the illusion that things will always last forever. However, eternity is only an illusion that everything changes and disappears after all.

Even though the idea is only an illusion, that does not mean it does not hold any meaning; it leaves a trace in someone’s memories. That is why eternity holds meaning.

I demonstrated this process by wearing the necklace and showing the traces of shrinking graphite over white clothes through a performance in the video clip.


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