Magical Amulet

<Magical Amulet, 2022, Silver, Gold Plating , Powder Coating on Copper, 120x120, 120x110, 130x100, 80x90(mm)>

Where does magic begin?

The artist says that magic starts when people wear clothes or jewelry in their personal space and exit their house.

Jewelry is a reflection of the person who wears it. It provides the wearer with personal stories or symbols of status, making it even more valuable. People use jewelry to express themselves to society, allowing them to discover different aspects of themselves while also giving them freedom of expression. In this way, jewelry allows me to continuously question and find answers to who I am and what kind of impact I want on society. It also served as a means of resistance against the conservative society and a way to expose me to society.

The Magic Amulet collection features jewelry that are personally collected by the artist, which has been transformed, exaggerated, and expressed as amulets to reflect the artist’s personal wishes for society. Through the Magical Charm project, the artist aims to exaggerate individual identities and highlight them to challenge and destroy the conformity created by society.



Beyond Magic

