Body Furniture

<Body Furniture, 2021, Wood, Resin, Fabric, 12x20(cm), 13x9(cm), 15x10(cm), 20x16(cm), 14x17cm(cm) >

Body furniture is the private jewelry piece that represents my posture in the most comfortable space. 

Furniture and jewelry have a lot of similarities. Both furniture and jewelry are directly correlated with the human body. Comfort and stability are the two factors that need to be concerned carefully. Moreover, furniture is the most private object that shows personal characteristics, habits, and preferences. Therefore, furniture is an individual object representing oneself, and jewelry also offers a similar feature. 

This experimental project combines furniture and jewelry. Through this project, I expanded the concept of jewelry by breaking the stigma that jewelry should be wearable.



Visual Dialogue

Art Director : Ryujeong Han

Film : Renee Cha

Editor : Jooyoen Kang


Fake Femininity


Adaptive Control Apparatus