Plot of Sentiment (Gamgaedo)

< Plot of sentiment / Gamgaedo,  2019, 193 x 130cm, Ink on Jangji(Paper), Silk screen >

The heart is a result arising from various actions and is an entirely subjective and accidental concept. Since the mind is abstract, it cannot be described as concrete and absolute figure or diagram, but ‘Gamgaedo’ is a work that conceptualizes one’s mind based on personal experiences. 

This work did not have any detailed plans when filling out the piece initially. As a result, the mind within ‘Gamgaedo’ is endlessly modified and transformed in the grid until it reaches perfection. 

In work ‘Gamgaedo’, which is reminiscent of a design or a blueprint for furniture, a part that composes the whole figure is of much higher importance than the entire entity. Viewers can imagine the meaning of various parts of the figure.accidental and inevitable processes present in this work. 

Consequently, the work cannot be concluded to be a representational or an abstract painting. This ambiguity is similar to a notion of mind.


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